Thursday, September 1, 2011

36 weeks tomorrow!!!!

Wow its been a while since I posted :( well the baby is doing awesome and getting BIG hes 5 1/2 lbs now head down, last appointment was august 29th, monday. She did the usual check my measurements im measuring at 35 in. which is perfect, he is active healthy heartbeat and thank God I only gained like 4-5 lbs. I think im 153-158 now. Grr hoping to not gain anymore :( she also told me I was having braxton hicks contractions but I couldnt feel them!!!!!! CRAZY...I guess when my stomach was tightening and i thought it was the baby poking out sometimes its actually the contraction! TOO my body is preparing =). Also, my appointments have now switched to weekly visits, my next one is this tuesday 8:30 a.m and its my first meeting with a Genesis doctor, Dr. Antony. Hes the one I havent heard the best about which is why I chose him :) facing every fear! Oh and we also just finished our childbirth classes, my mom went to the first one and Justin to the last 3. We really had fun and learned a lot I have the best support team ever thats sure :) I love my husband soooo much and we are already so in love with this little boy, Wyatt Dale :)he already consumes our lives! I cannot believe how close it is til hes here. I know they said my due date is the first but IM believing that Wyatt will come when God says hes ready. God knows better than any doctor whats best for me and my family. I love the Lord and thank Him for helping me get through things I never could of without His spirit.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

29 weeks 5 days

welp this is me getting big big big. lol my little bundle of joy is moving and kicking alllll the time, and Justin can feel him pretty much anytime. he talks to him and messes with him its so cute. we had our 3d ultraltrasound The SWEETEST thing happened I wish I had it on camera but we zoomed in on his face and he was pouting, looked like he was wanting to cry, so Justin made kissing sounds on the side of my stomach and told him "hey buddy its okay, daddy's here" and we saw him stop frowning and TURN his head toward Justin...we both about cried!! lol so breathtaking!

^my post on facebook

although we didnt really get any good shots of his face cause I guess he wasnt in a good spot :(...we got video and at least saw him do that stuff so im happy but we are going back to get better pics. We just painted two walls blue in his room and im starting on his first scrapbook..

Friday, July 8, 2011

28 weeks today!

Err Im so mad I've forgotten to post. It's been a month I think. Anyway so much has happened idk if I can remember it all but my last appt. was Tuesday July 5th. my blood pressure was great, my weight is now 142 :\ yikes. I think I'm gaining a bit too much weight but whatever! I know God will help me lose it. little boy has been moving all over like crrrazy! Daddy feels him allll the time and also kisses my tummy and wakes him up, he's real good about that ;) lol. We are sooooo excited to meet him it feels like every day my love for him grows already I can't wait to hold him and kiss him...this precious little life within me is in our care & responsiblity now, it just blows me away. I just cant wait to shower him with LOVEEE. Less than 3 months away now =) my next apt. is this tuesday I have to get blood work/sugar tests done then the next apt. after that is August 8th. Time's a flyin.

Ohhh and he has SOOO many clothes. Idk if I mentioned we got his CRIB, bedding, curtains, area rug and a little rocking sheep FREE! From pottery barn and these wonderful people from the SPOT donated it to us. We are sooo blessed I hope God blesses them tremendously. They said they never get cribs donated this is the first one and it just so happen to be at the perfect timing :) his bedroom theme is nautical, with whales/fish/boats/ships and colors navy blue, baby blue, green, orange and red its soooo cute we even got the paint a few weekends ago, we got green and blue paint and we still havent painted yet but I cant wait to!

some other cool things God is doing right now- he opened a door for Justin and a friend Rod (The one who owns the house we live in) to buy the business and justin can be part owner and make soo much more money. Also-we are buying the house, owners financing and might buy the property next to us. We're also getting a super walmart RIGHT on our road how cool is that!!! Gods GOOD

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6/6/11 Appointment (23 weeks)

(writing this the next day)***Everything went well...except I'm gaining more weight then I should. And heard his heartbeat again it was soo strong and loud :) 140 bpm I LOVE HIM soooooooooooooo much. Justin got to feel a couple of his really strong kicks last night and sometimes I swear I can feel him sticking out, whether his foot/head idk but I love it

Friday, May 27, 2011

Justin & I's 1 year Anniversary :)

I can't believe it's already here. I love him soo much.

One way God reveals His existence & love for me each day is by allowing me to wake up to the most awesome husband in the world. He goes above and beyond in all that he does for God & for me..and that just blows my mind. Love is real & I thank God for it every day<3

Many things I might, but one thing I won't ever take for granted is the man God has sent to be my husband. When I am at my low points, he is always there to encourage me, pray for me or just say the words I needed to hear  confirming what God has already said. He is truly a blessing and a gift that I will forever cherish! I love you Justin!

2 years ago I met a man who saw more in me than I was able to see in myself! :) and til this day he treats me the SAME way he did when I first met him with unconditional love, respect and support. Never wavering in his character. Now that's a real man. Who said marrying after 1 year won't work!? :) ha! was definately God! He knows how to pick em' the best :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

20 (21) Weeks Today

Normally I would of been exactly 20 weeks today (5 months) but since they changed my due date to Oct 1rst I'd be 21 weeks today. Lol Not sure what to go by yet. Either way the baby has been moving soo much lately its the coolest thing, i really feel his little kicks and rolling movements and its so sweet. I love him already. We havent totally decided on a name yet but so far looks like Justin likes Hayden the best. We'll see... love my boys. Posting a pic of me and Justin going to Church wednesday night May 18th 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16th, 2011 Justin felt the baby kick for the first time at night!! Around 11-12 A.M-ish lol. IT WAS AWESOME!!

This is our prayer EVERY-DAY.

Lord protect our baby boy
let him be strong, intelligent
walk and live in the fear and admonition of You.
Let him walk early, talk early, learn fast, nurse well and sleep through out the night.
Thank you and help us believe for a supernatural pregnancy and delivery
Help us to be the best parents we can
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Monday, May 9, 2011


^^Me today. 18 weeks 3 days

Today was sooo special and SOO long anticipated. I was soo nervous all day for this but thank God my mom, his mom, JUSTIN and all my sisters were there it was so awesome! First Justin & my mom came in the room with me but before that I was alone, she waited to tell me what it was because I told her to wait for my husband but she did say welll it looks like hes measuring a boy! Hes big! And a week bigger than I had thought! 10 ounces. Which changes my due date to Oct 1. COOL! LOL :) Then they came in the room and after a long while of trying to get him to spread out and show us his private, we finallly got a peak at his little thingy! LOL It's a booooooy!  He was so cute and content curled up though. I was so shocked yet so at peace the whole time and afterwards, he is soo cute his heatbeat was 140bpm. He takes my breath away, now off to dream of meeting his sweet little face.. <3

First movements:
I've realized today what I've been feeling (start feeling a week or so ago) and i wish I would wrote it down but didnt know for sure what it was :( it feels like little gas bubbles in my lower pelvis area but its def the baby moving its soo cool and getting more active every day. I LOVE THIS BABY

16 weeks

Friday, April 1, 2011

3/29/11 Doctor Appointment

 (The pics above are me at 3 months exactly) :):):)

This was the big one. The one I had spent soo many nights and days dwelling and stressing over. I got to hear the heartbeat and have a full body/pelvic exam! I was SO scared from basically stories I had HEARD. I tend to over think stuff which is wrong cause it causes unnecessary stress on me and the baby's just plain not of God. He said cast your anxieties on Me. I'm getting better the more I realize I CAN trust Him with my life.

So 11:00 A.M. 3/29/11
        I get to the Lecanto Health Dept. womens health, haven't heard from my mom all morning and Justin was running late couldnt get ahold of him either. They are my main support so doing this alone was a scary thought but it seemed like that's what I was about to do. Praying and seeking God in my car and all morning like never before! I  walk in and sit in the waiting room, they tell me I'm about to be seen. No sign of mom or husband yet. I go in the bathroom and they get my urine sample. Come out and they are BOTH standing there! Joy can't explain it. Lol I burst into tears...they are the two people I need the most! Thank God. So after an emotional morning and the nurses hugging me, bringing me tissues. (they are soo super nice there) I make it to the back room. Take off all my clothes put paper over me and wait to be seen. After like 25 minutes!! Justin has to leave the nurse is taking too long so again I start to cry because I didn't want him to miss the heartbeat and not be there for me thru all of this but he had to go back to work so I understand (I guess) lol mom stayed with me and the midwife finally came in and she apologized and began to explain everything very througoughly (THANK GOD) and was really nice and I felt pretty safe and comfortable. First she felt my breast and stomach area then the seemed like out of nowhere as soon as she starts moving that doppler around on my stomach I hear her say "There it is, theres the heart-beat" it's almost like I had to double check with my hearing, like how you do with your eyes but this time my ears. I couldnt believe what I was hearing and complete shock, joy, and disbelief came over me!! I will never EVER be the same after hearing that was so beautiful!! I kept asking her "is this real? are you sure its not my heartbeat??" she said 'nope, yours was a lot slower' and said the heartbeat was 160-170 bpm which was perfect. It was a fast strong little heartbeat it just took my breath away :) :). Then ...DUN dun DUN...the pelvic exam. While still in a fog from hearing a little hearbeat inside me I still somehow (looking back laughing in embarrasment now) because I couldnt quite handle what was going on Down there I kept squirming around! lol but I must say it was NOTHING compared to what I had heard and expected and that was the biggest relief. She put the little metal things in?? opened them up a bit swabbed me reallyyy fast then it was over. Then she put two fingers in, felt around in circular motions feeling for my ovaries, and utereus I guess?? Anyway that was probably the most uncomfortable part was having some lady I never met stick her fingers in me! LOL Anyway she was really fast, informative, careful, and caring with me which was defintifely set up by God :) which is why I was blessed with a good experience. She told everything looked great and my pelvic bones are good?? :) which is a good sign of vaginal delivery and she said I'd be the perfect candidate for a midwife. (Which not too sure about that, but we'll see) anyway my thankfulness to God is above and beyond comparison right now I never thought I'd make it thru that appointment but I did and I was 12 weeks and 5 days that day :) and today writing this I am 13 weeks. I finally got my book in the mail "supernatural delivery" and I have a feeling its not only going to change my delivery but my life!! Thank you Jesus for the doors you've opened I am so blessed !!!!!

My next appointment is the ULTRASOUND!! MAY 9TH 2011 3 P.M. I CANNOOOOT WAIT!! YAYY!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

God is good.

Wow well we have went through not exaggerating - hell. With getting assistance and working things out with the doctor. They call me monday march 14th the day before my apt. to let me know medicaid is inacative and I'll need to bring $500 down!! for EVERY appointment. Ha, yeah thats not going to happen. So, not going there and don't have an appointment anymore, needless to say I was in tears all day. And without much choice, Friday Justin called the Lecanto health dept. and set me up an appt. for Tuesday the 22nd (yesterday) which I was completely terrified of but it ended up turning out GREAT!! Not only did when we got there we were seen right away but the lady told us a ton of info on why we were rejected from medicaid and is going to HELP us get full coverage!! Then I saw the nurses, got tested for HIV..that was negative. PRAISE GOD. My iron was tested and is at 15%, Perfect she says! WHICH IS SO GOD. And everyone was so informative and made me feel comfortable...I think I like it better over here! That's just like God though isnt it?? I love him soo much for taking care of me!! I also weighed in at 118. And before I was pregnant I was 113, then 116, not 118. So everything looks great and turned out good. I'm so thankful its like not even real I almosted started crying every-time she told me something new! I am 11 weeks and 5 days. So only a few days left and I am DONE with the first trimester and going to be 3 months!! WOW how times flies already.... my next appt. which is the one I have feared but I know God is with this tuesday March 29 at 11 a.m. The good news I get to hear the babys heartbeat for the first time!!!!!!!! The eh-not so good news is I get a pap. :( Lord is going to get me thru it though hes got me through so much I am confident in who I have believed. I thank Him for every good thing and bad in my life he is better to me than I deserve. So lost and miserable I'd be without Him, and probably dead. Instead I am experiencing LIFE in abundance :) thank you Jesus

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2 months 1 week (9 weeks)

Well I wasn't going to even take pictures let alone upload them cause I didn't think I was really showing yet, but looking back at the one picture I took a few weeks ago (at 5 weeks) and then seeing myself now at 9 weeks I am clearly showing. LOL So I'm pretty excited!!!

5 week belly photo.

This was at 5 weeks! :) not much lol

We are so blessed, 9 weeks today!

Well I've made it to 9 weeks, wow..didnt think that would happen cause it seems like everything is taking sooo long. I realize maybe because I've been keeping track since I was 4 weeks! Lol most women don't find out their even pregnant til like 2-3 months.

When I first found out I was pregnant I was sooo scared..I just remember I kept asking God all day, "Are you sure, God? Are you really sure?"....I had it in my mind that it was some sort of mistake or accident! But my mom reminded me that a child in the eyes of God is never an accident, and surely not a mistake. That is so the truth too. I've started looking forward to what God has in store for us, and I am hopeful and thankful for this gift He's given us.

I never did get morning sickness, thank GOD. I prayed since I found out I was pregnant (possibly even before I was too) and God honored my prayers once again and didn't allow nausea to over take me. I am sooo grateful for that. The only issue or LIE I like to call it, is I have had some sciatic nerve pressure badly on my left side, hurts to move around but ever since Justin & I prayed about it every DAY it's getting better. I am just so thankful for an awesome, loving God who cares and protects His children! All the "bad" that comes with pregnancy is actually a curse, the pain and all...if we as Christians can remember that we are BLOOD-bought and above the curse there is so much we don't have to suffer through! God just wants us to realize the power within us that He has given us. He is so good.

Gods got me through the FEAR of pregnancy.
The fear of pain and pressure
the fear of needles and getting my blood drawn! (Sounds silly but its true)
& soo much more than that AND more to come =)

My next appointment is March 15th and I'm pretty sure thats going to be just like a consultation visit with the doctor/nurse to talk all about the pregnancy and the next one is the pap..  I know God will be present and get me through.

Lord I love you so much today and every day I need you more.
Thank you for an awesome husband who loves me and You
Who prays for me, comforts me, and secures me.
Thank you for this child You have entrusted us with.
Give us the ability and wisdom to raise him or her the way You'd have us to.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Important Dates

I just wanted to add a little information on here to keep track of important  things, doctor appts, special moments, etc. :)

Friday, December 31rst, 2010 -- First day of last period
Sunday, January 16th 2011 -- Conceived
Friday, January 28th, 2011. -- Took 1 home pregnancy test (Positive!)
Friday, February 4th, 2011. -- Doctor confirmed/urine test (Positive!) 5 weeks, weigh 115
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011. --Full exam, heard heartbeat for first time 170 bpm.
Monday, May 9th, 2011- First ultrasound, its a baby BOY!
Wednesday, May 11th, 2011- heard his heartbeat again 170 bpm and I weigh 128 (thats 15 lbs I've gained)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The most precious gift, a child.

I am 2 months today, and I know how important this moments are now..and that they will only be greater as time goes on to look back and reflect on. So much joy has just begun...and I can't wait to journal it all but most of all...I can't wait until we meet this baby Justin & I have created with our GOD-given ability <3