Wednesday, July 20, 2011

29 weeks 5 days

welp this is me getting big big big. lol my little bundle of joy is moving and kicking alllll the time, and Justin can feel him pretty much anytime. he talks to him and messes with him its so cute. we had our 3d ultraltrasound The SWEETEST thing happened I wish I had it on camera but we zoomed in on his face and he was pouting, looked like he was wanting to cry, so Justin made kissing sounds on the side of my stomach and told him "hey buddy its okay, daddy's here" and we saw him stop frowning and TURN his head toward Justin...we both about cried!! lol so breathtaking!

^my post on facebook

although we didnt really get any good shots of his face cause I guess he wasnt in a good spot :(...we got video and at least saw him do that stuff so im happy but we are going back to get better pics. We just painted two walls blue in his room and im starting on his first scrapbook..

Friday, July 8, 2011

28 weeks today!

Err Im so mad I've forgotten to post. It's been a month I think. Anyway so much has happened idk if I can remember it all but my last appt. was Tuesday July 5th. my blood pressure was great, my weight is now 142 :\ yikes. I think I'm gaining a bit too much weight but whatever! I know God will help me lose it. little boy has been moving all over like crrrazy! Daddy feels him allll the time and also kisses my tummy and wakes him up, he's real good about that ;) lol. We are sooooo excited to meet him it feels like every day my love for him grows already I can't wait to hold him and kiss him...this precious little life within me is in our care & responsiblity now, it just blows me away. I just cant wait to shower him with LOVEEE. Less than 3 months away now =) my next apt. is this tuesday I have to get blood work/sugar tests done then the next apt. after that is August 8th. Time's a flyin.

Ohhh and he has SOOO many clothes. Idk if I mentioned we got his CRIB, bedding, curtains, area rug and a little rocking sheep FREE! From pottery barn and these wonderful people from the SPOT donated it to us. We are sooo blessed I hope God blesses them tremendously. They said they never get cribs donated this is the first one and it just so happen to be at the perfect timing :) his bedroom theme is nautical, with whales/fish/boats/ships and colors navy blue, baby blue, green, orange and red its soooo cute we even got the paint a few weekends ago, we got green and blue paint and we still havent painted yet but I cant wait to!

some other cool things God is doing right now- he opened a door for Justin and a friend Rod (The one who owns the house we live in) to buy the business and justin can be part owner and make soo much more money. Also-we are buying the house, owners financing and might buy the property next to us. We're also getting a super walmart RIGHT on our road how cool is that!!! Gods GOOD