Friday, April 1, 2011

3/29/11 Doctor Appointment

 (The pics above are me at 3 months exactly) :):):)

This was the big one. The one I had spent soo many nights and days dwelling and stressing over. I got to hear the heartbeat and have a full body/pelvic exam! I was SO scared from basically stories I had HEARD. I tend to over think stuff which is wrong cause it causes unnecessary stress on me and the baby's just plain not of God. He said cast your anxieties on Me. I'm getting better the more I realize I CAN trust Him with my life.

So 11:00 A.M. 3/29/11
        I get to the Lecanto Health Dept. womens health, haven't heard from my mom all morning and Justin was running late couldnt get ahold of him either. They are my main support so doing this alone was a scary thought but it seemed like that's what I was about to do. Praying and seeking God in my car and all morning like never before! I  walk in and sit in the waiting room, they tell me I'm about to be seen. No sign of mom or husband yet. I go in the bathroom and they get my urine sample. Come out and they are BOTH standing there! Joy can't explain it. Lol I burst into tears...they are the two people I need the most! Thank God. So after an emotional morning and the nurses hugging me, bringing me tissues. (they are soo super nice there) I make it to the back room. Take off all my clothes put paper over me and wait to be seen. After like 25 minutes!! Justin has to leave the nurse is taking too long so again I start to cry because I didn't want him to miss the heartbeat and not be there for me thru all of this but he had to go back to work so I understand (I guess) lol mom stayed with me and the midwife finally came in and she apologized and began to explain everything very througoughly (THANK GOD) and was really nice and I felt pretty safe and comfortable. First she felt my breast and stomach area then the seemed like out of nowhere as soon as she starts moving that doppler around on my stomach I hear her say "There it is, theres the heart-beat" it's almost like I had to double check with my hearing, like how you do with your eyes but this time my ears. I couldnt believe what I was hearing and complete shock, joy, and disbelief came over me!! I will never EVER be the same after hearing that was so beautiful!! I kept asking her "is this real? are you sure its not my heartbeat??" she said 'nope, yours was a lot slower' and said the heartbeat was 160-170 bpm which was perfect. It was a fast strong little heartbeat it just took my breath away :) :). Then ...DUN dun DUN...the pelvic exam. While still in a fog from hearing a little hearbeat inside me I still somehow (looking back laughing in embarrasment now) because I couldnt quite handle what was going on Down there I kept squirming around! lol but I must say it was NOTHING compared to what I had heard and expected and that was the biggest relief. She put the little metal things in?? opened them up a bit swabbed me reallyyy fast then it was over. Then she put two fingers in, felt around in circular motions feeling for my ovaries, and utereus I guess?? Anyway that was probably the most uncomfortable part was having some lady I never met stick her fingers in me! LOL Anyway she was really fast, informative, careful, and caring with me which was defintifely set up by God :) which is why I was blessed with a good experience. She told everything looked great and my pelvic bones are good?? :) which is a good sign of vaginal delivery and she said I'd be the perfect candidate for a midwife. (Which not too sure about that, but we'll see) anyway my thankfulness to God is above and beyond comparison right now I never thought I'd make it thru that appointment but I did and I was 12 weeks and 5 days that day :) and today writing this I am 13 weeks. I finally got my book in the mail "supernatural delivery" and I have a feeling its not only going to change my delivery but my life!! Thank you Jesus for the doors you've opened I am so blessed !!!!!

My next appointment is the ULTRASOUND!! MAY 9TH 2011 3 P.M. I CANNOOOOT WAIT!! YAYY!!