Wednesday, March 23, 2011

God is good.

Wow well we have went through not exaggerating - hell. With getting assistance and working things out with the doctor. They call me monday march 14th the day before my apt. to let me know medicaid is inacative and I'll need to bring $500 down!! for EVERY appointment. Ha, yeah thats not going to happen. So, not going there and don't have an appointment anymore, needless to say I was in tears all day. And without much choice, Friday Justin called the Lecanto health dept. and set me up an appt. for Tuesday the 22nd (yesterday) which I was completely terrified of but it ended up turning out GREAT!! Not only did when we got there we were seen right away but the lady told us a ton of info on why we were rejected from medicaid and is going to HELP us get full coverage!! Then I saw the nurses, got tested for HIV..that was negative. PRAISE GOD. My iron was tested and is at 15%, Perfect she says! WHICH IS SO GOD. And everyone was so informative and made me feel comfortable...I think I like it better over here! That's just like God though isnt it?? I love him soo much for taking care of me!! I also weighed in at 118. And before I was pregnant I was 113, then 116, not 118. So everything looks great and turned out good. I'm so thankful its like not even real I almosted started crying every-time she told me something new! I am 11 weeks and 5 days. So only a few days left and I am DONE with the first trimester and going to be 3 months!! WOW how times flies already.... my next appt. which is the one I have feared but I know God is with this tuesday March 29 at 11 a.m. The good news I get to hear the babys heartbeat for the first time!!!!!!!! The eh-not so good news is I get a pap. :( Lord is going to get me thru it though hes got me through so much I am confident in who I have believed. I thank Him for every good thing and bad in my life he is better to me than I deserve. So lost and miserable I'd be without Him, and probably dead. Instead I am experiencing LIFE in abundance :) thank you Jesus

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2 months 1 week (9 weeks)

Well I wasn't going to even take pictures let alone upload them cause I didn't think I was really showing yet, but looking back at the one picture I took a few weeks ago (at 5 weeks) and then seeing myself now at 9 weeks I am clearly showing. LOL So I'm pretty excited!!!

5 week belly photo.

This was at 5 weeks! :) not much lol

We are so blessed, 9 weeks today!

Well I've made it to 9 weeks, wow..didnt think that would happen cause it seems like everything is taking sooo long. I realize maybe because I've been keeping track since I was 4 weeks! Lol most women don't find out their even pregnant til like 2-3 months.

When I first found out I was pregnant I was sooo scared..I just remember I kept asking God all day, "Are you sure, God? Are you really sure?"....I had it in my mind that it was some sort of mistake or accident! But my mom reminded me that a child in the eyes of God is never an accident, and surely not a mistake. That is so the truth too. I've started looking forward to what God has in store for us, and I am hopeful and thankful for this gift He's given us.

I never did get morning sickness, thank GOD. I prayed since I found out I was pregnant (possibly even before I was too) and God honored my prayers once again and didn't allow nausea to over take me. I am sooo grateful for that. The only issue or LIE I like to call it, is I have had some sciatic nerve pressure badly on my left side, hurts to move around but ever since Justin & I prayed about it every DAY it's getting better. I am just so thankful for an awesome, loving God who cares and protects His children! All the "bad" that comes with pregnancy is actually a curse, the pain and all...if we as Christians can remember that we are BLOOD-bought and above the curse there is so much we don't have to suffer through! God just wants us to realize the power within us that He has given us. He is so good.

Gods got me through the FEAR of pregnancy.
The fear of pain and pressure
the fear of needles and getting my blood drawn! (Sounds silly but its true)
& soo much more than that AND more to come =)

My next appointment is March 15th and I'm pretty sure thats going to be just like a consultation visit with the doctor/nurse to talk all about the pregnancy and the next one is the pap..  I know God will be present and get me through.

Lord I love you so much today and every day I need you more.
Thank you for an awesome husband who loves me and You
Who prays for me, comforts me, and secures me.
Thank you for this child You have entrusted us with.
Give us the ability and wisdom to raise him or her the way You'd have us to.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Important Dates

I just wanted to add a little information on here to keep track of important  things, doctor appts, special moments, etc. :)

Friday, December 31rst, 2010 -- First day of last period
Sunday, January 16th 2011 -- Conceived
Friday, January 28th, 2011. -- Took 1 home pregnancy test (Positive!)
Friday, February 4th, 2011. -- Doctor confirmed/urine test (Positive!) 5 weeks, weigh 115
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011. --Full exam, heard heartbeat for first time 170 bpm.
Monday, May 9th, 2011- First ultrasound, its a baby BOY!
Wednesday, May 11th, 2011- heard his heartbeat again 170 bpm and I weigh 128 (thats 15 lbs I've gained)